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AI/Computer Vision Materials

8.2 BoW Classification

by 쵸빙 2020. 7. 30.

     In this lecture, we are going to learn about BoW Classification.



Once again, let's see how Classical Image Classification Pipeline looks.

Image Classification Pipeline

Among 4 steps, today we are going to focus on 'encoder', 'bag of visual words' encoder.



● BoW encoder

In BoW encoder view, we can define 'encode' and 'decode' as below.


⊙ Encode

1. Dictionary Learning


a. Extract features from image

extract features from image

* Regular grid

- Vogel & Schiele, 2003

- Fei-Fei & Perona, 2005


* Interest point detector

- Csurka et al. 2004

- Fei-Fei & Perona, 2005

- Sivic et al. 2005


* Other methods

- Random sampling (Vidal-Naquet & Ullman, 2002)

- Segmentation-based patches (Barnard et al. 2003)


b. Unsupervised Clustering

Unsupervised Clustering

In Unsupervised Clustering, the answers are not given. 


* 4 steps in Unsupervised Clustering

Select initial centroids at random

Assign each object to the cluster with the nearest centroid

③ Compute each centroid as the mean of the objects assigned to it (go to 2)

Assign each object to the cluster with the nearest centroid (again)

Repeat previous 2 steps until no change.


* K-means Clustering

given k:

① Select initial centroids at random.

② Assign each object to the cluster with the nearest centroid.

③ Compute each centroid as the mean of the objects assigned to it.

④ Repeat previous 2 steps until no change.



2. Build Bags-of-Words (BoW) descriptor

After learning a visual dictionary, an image representation is needed, so we have to use a bag-of-words descriptor.


a. Quantize feature

Quantize feature

- Associate each feature to nearest 'word' cluster.


b. Build histogram (for each image)



⊙ Decode

1. Train classifier

Train classifier

- Given the bag-of-features representations of images from different classes, train some fancy machine learning model.




2. Classify using BoW descriptor

Classify using BoW descriptor

- Classify using BoW descriptor



In next lecture, we will learn about decoder, optimizer.

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